Substrate pallet 编写方式的变化


Substrate pallet 的编写方式从 declarative macro 变成了 procedural macro. substrate 整体的迁移进度可以参考这里. 本文属于现学现卖,简单介绍这个变化。在此之前,需要了解 declarative macro 和 procedural macro 是如何实现的,可以参考这里


可以打开一个 pr, 比如 Migrate assets pallet to new macros , 来快速看下具体的变化内容。比较明显的几点变化:

少了这几个 declarative macro

decl_storage! {} decl_error! {} decl_module! {} decl_event! {}

这些内容被包裹到了, 名为 pallet 的 attribute-like macro 里,

#[frame_support::pallet] pub mod pallet { // }

pallet attribute-like macro 的实现在 frame/support/procedural/src/ 文件里。

/// Macro to define a pallet. Docs are at `frame_support::pallet`. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn pallet(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { pallet::pallet(attr, item) }

调用的 pallet 函数在 frame/support/procedural/src/ 文件里

pub fn pallet( attr: proc_macro::TokenStream, item: proc_macro::TokenStream ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { if !attr.is_empty() { let msg = "Invalid pallet macro call: expected no attributes, e.g. macro call must be just \ `#[frame_support::pallet]` or `#[pallet]`"; let span = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(attr).span(); return syn::Error::new(span, msg).to_compile_error().into(); } let item = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemMod); match parse::Def::try_from(item) { Ok(def) => expand::expand(def).into(), Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(), } }

此函数会判断使用 pallet 宏的时候有没有属性,然后调用 expand 函数

/// Expand definition, in particular: /// * add some bounds and variants to type defined, /// * create some new types, /// * impl stuff on them. pub fn expand(mut def: Def) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let constants = constants::expand_constants(&mut def); `let pallet_struct = pallet_struct::expand_pallet_struct(&mut def);` let call = call::expand_call(&mut def); let error = error::expand_error(&mut def); let event = event::expand_event(&mut def); let storages = storage::expand_storages(&mut def); let instances = instances::expand_instances(&mut def); let store_trait = store_trait::expand_store_trait(&mut def); let hooks = hooks::expand_hooks(&mut def); let genesis_build = genesis_build::expand_genesis_build(&mut def); let genesis_config = genesis_config::expand_genesis_config(&mut def); let type_values = type_value::expand_type_values(&mut def); let new_items = quote::quote!( #constants #pallet_struct #call #error #event #storages #instances #store_trait #hooks #genesis_build #genesis_config #type_values ); def.item.content.as_mut().expect("This is checked by parsing").1 .push(syn::Item::Verbatim(new_items)); def.item.into_token_stream() }

主要的代码生成逻辑在各个 module 的 expand_xxx 函数里,逻辑分的比较开。相较于 declarative macro(如下)

#[macro_export] macro_rules! decl_error { ( $(#[$attr:meta])* pub enum $error:ident for $module:ident< $generic:ident: $trait:path $(, $inst_generic:ident: $instance:path)? > $( where $( $where_ty:ty: $where_bound:path ),* $(,)? )? { $( $( #[doc = $doc_attr:tt] )* $name:ident ),* $(,)? } ) => { // ...

基于 attribute-like macro 的生成的逻辑的编写是非常简单的,而 declarative 犹如天书, 可读性很差。虽然底层逻辑我们不用太关心,但作为底层逻辑的调用者,使用 attribute-like macro 也可以让我们遇到更少的底层 bug

在开始具体的升级之前,先简单看下基于 procedural macro 的实现细节。

// syn::custom_keyword declarative macro 会将该这些词作为像 rust 关键字一样解析 mod keyword { syn::custom_keyword!(Block); syn::custom_keyword!(NodeBlock); syn::custom_keyword!(UncheckedExtrinsic); syn::custom_keyword!(Module); syn::custom_keyword!(Call); syn::custom_keyword!(Storage); syn::custom_keyword!(Event); syn::custom_keyword!(Config); syn::custom_keyword!(Origin); syn::custom_keyword!(Inherent); syn::custom_keyword!(ValidateUnsigned); }
// 这是一个 function-like macro #[proc_macro] pub fn construct_runtime(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { construct_runtime::construct_runtime(input) }
// storage 看起来比较特殊,单独定义了一个 function-like macro #[proc_macro] pub fn decl_storage(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { storage::decl_storage_impl(input) }

以 error 的生成为例 frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/expand/

expand_error 函数为 pub enum Error 迭代生成了 Debug trait, as_u8 , as_str , from , metadata 等函数。

再比如 event

event_item.attrs.push(syn::parse_quote!( #[derive( #frame_support::CloneNoBound, #frame_support::EqNoBound, #frame_support::PartialEqNoBound, #frame_support::RuntimeDebugNoBound, #frame_support::codec::Encode, #frame_support::codec::Decode, )] ));

expand_event 为我们自动添加了很多 derive

其实在整个过程里,pallet 函数里的这句比较关键

let item = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemMod);

在 parse 目录下有各种经过 parsing 后的结构,这些结构实现了 syn:parse

pallet::Def -> event::EventDef -> PalletEventAttr 是这样一层层 parse 出来的,然后存在结构体里,再经过各种 exapnd 函数生成最终的代码。





#[pallet] pub mod pallet { //! This inner attribute will make span fail .. }


pub use pallet::*; #[frame_support::pallet] pub mod pallet { use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*; use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*; use super::*; }

首先,添加一个 pallet module. pub use pallet::* 引用的是此 module

之前在 pallet module 外面定义的类型可以保留

mod types { // --- darwinia --- use crate::*; pub type MappedRing = u128; pub type AccountId<T> = <T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId; pub type RingBalance<T> = <RingCurrency<T> as Currency<AccountId<T>>>::Balance; type RingCurrency<T> = <T as Config>::RingCurrency; }

使用 use super::* 引入

迁移 Config

decl_module! 的内容移入 pallet 并放在 #[pallet::config] 下面

#[pallet::config] pub trait Config: frame_system::Config { #[pallet::constant] type ModuleId: Get<ModuleId>; type RingCurrency: Currency<AccountId<Self>>; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo; type Event: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>; }

以前在 Config 里的 const 需要加上 #[pallet::constant] , Event 的定义是固定的

迁移 Module

module 被迁移成了两部分

#[pallet::hooks] impl<T: Config> Hooks for Pallet<T> { }
#[pallet::call] impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> { }

这两部分都是必要的,空的也要写上去。 其中,以前定义的函数放在 call 下面, 以 substrate node-template 为例:

#[pallet::hooks] impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {} #[pallet::call] impl<T:Config> Pallet<T> { /// An example dispatchable that takes a singles value as a parameter, writes the value to /// storage and emits an event. This function must be dispatched by a signed extrinsic. #[pallet::weight(10_000 + T::DbWeight::get().writes(1))] pub fn do_something(origin: OriginFor<T>, something: u32) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { // Check that the extrinsic was signed and get the signer. // This function will return an error if the extrinsic is not signed. // let who = ensure_signed(origin)?; // Update storage. <Something<T>>::put(something); // Emit an event. Self::deposit_event(Event::SomethingStored(something, who)); // Return a successful DispatchResultWithPostInfo Ok(().into()) } }

hook 里可以实现一些函数 on_initialize/on_finalize/on_runtime_upgrade/offchain_worker/integrity_test

迁移 Event

#[pallet::event] pub enum Event<T: Config> { /// Dummy Event. [who, swapped *CRING*, burned Mapped *RING*] DummyEvent(AccountId<T>, RingBalance<T>, MappedRing), }
#[pallet::event] #[pallet::metadata(T::AccountId = "AccountId")] #[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)] pub enum Event<T: Config> { /// Event documentation should end with an array that provides descriptive names for event /// parameters. [something, who] SomethingStored(u32, T::AccountId), }

迁移 error

// Errors inform users that something went wrong. #[pallet::error] pub enum Error<T> { /// Error names should be descriptive. NoneValue, /// Errors should have helpful documentation associated with them. StorageOverflow, }

迁移 GenesisiConfig

#[pallet::genesis_config] /// 这里可以根据需要加 T 或者不加 T, 里要对应 pub struct GenesisConfig<T> { pub total_mapped_ring: MappedRing, pub phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>, } /// 这里要加 std #[cfg(feature = "std")] // 和之前的定义要匹配, Default 是强制的 impl<T: Config> Default for GenesisConfig<T> { fn default() -> Self { Self { total_mapped_ring: Default::default(), phantom: Default::default(), } } } #[pallet::genesis_build] /// 之前的 build 要放在这里 impl<T: Config> GenesisBuild<T> for GenesisConfig<T> { fn build(&self) { let _ = T::RingCurrency::make_free_balance_be( &T::ModuleId::get().into_account(), T::RingCurrency::minimum_balance(), ); <TotalMappedRing<T>>::put(self.total_mapped_ring); } }

迁移 storage

#[pallet::pallet] /// 注意 storage prefix 发生了变化,以前这里是用 as 来改指定的前缀,现在应该没有办法指定了 /// 所以在 runtime 里引入的时候要改下 pallet 的名称来保持 storage prefix 的一致 #[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)] pub struct Pallet<T>(_); // The pallet's runtime storage items. // #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn something)] // Learn more about declaring storage items: // /// 第一个参数 _ 是固定的, Storage 的类型还是那几个 pub type Something<T> = StorageValue<_, u32>;


如果有 instance, 在做上述迁移的时候要加上
