kong 插件开发


本文档记录了开发 kong 插件所需注意的要点

关于 kong 插件开发文档



特别注意文档的版本,需要和你所使用的 kong 的版本相匹配,否则写出来的代码不兼容。

kong version

另外,可以参考 kong 内置的插件代码, 足够我们进行 copy&paste

find . -name handler.lua

通过 grep 发现,内置插件中并没有 http 请求的代码,补充如下:

token, err = retrieve_token(conf) local resp = {} r, c, h = http.request { method = "GET", headers = { Authorization = token }, url = "", sink=ltn12.sink.table(resp) } kong.log.inspect(r, c, h, resp)

注: 如果使用 docker/k8s 部署的 kong,请先登录容器然后再执行上述命令


使用luarocks 打包,文档里有写,这里给出一个实际例子。


package = "kong-plugin-rbac" version = "1.0.0-1" -- The version '1.0.0' is the source code version, the trailing '1' is the version of this rockspec. -- whenever the source version changes, the rockspec should be reset to 1. The rockspec version is only -- updated (incremented) when this file changes, but the source remains the same. -- TODO: This is the name to set in the Kong configuration `plugins` setting. -- Here we extract it from the package name. local pluginName = package:match("^kong%-plugin%-(.+)$") supported_platforms = {"linux", "macosx"} source = { url = "http://sky-cloud.net", tag = "1.0.0" } description = { summary = "rbac plugin for sky-cloud services", homepage = "http://sky-cloud.net", license = "private" } dependencies = { } build = { type = "builtin", modules = { -- TODO: add any additional files that the plugin consists of -- 根据自己的实际路径去修改 ["kong.plugins."..pluginName..".handler"] = "kong/plugins/"..pluginName.."/handler.lua", ["kong.plugins."..pluginName..".schema"] = "kong/plugins/"..pluginName.."/schema.lua", } }


luarocks pack kong-plugin-rbac 1.0.0-1


luarocks install kong-plugin-rbac-1.0.0-1.all.rock

docker 环境下 kong 插件部署

在 docker 环境下 kong 插件的部署要较麻烦一些,需要做路径映射,将本地安装的 kong 插件映射到容器内,同时修改 lua 包的搜索路径。kong 的配置文件里的参数都是可以通过环境变量控制的,变量名的规律为 xx_xx, KONG_XX_XX, 比如 lua_package_path 参数对应的环境变量名为 KONG_LUA_PACKAGE_PATH.

volumeMounts: - name: tz mountPath: /etc/localtime - name: rbac mountPath: /kong/plugins/rbac/ - name: logs mountPath: /usr/local/kong/logs/ volumes: - name: tz hostPath: path: /etc/localtime - name: rbac hostPath: path: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/rbac/ - name : logs hostPath: path: /srv/nap/kong/logs/

如上所示,将本地的 rbac 插件目录,映射到了容器内。然后按照如下的方式修改注入环境变量。

先使用 luarocks 将代码打包, 打包需要一个配置文件,参考如下

- name: KONG_LUA_PACKAGE_PATH value: /usr/lib64/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;./?.lua;./?/init.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/rbac/?.lua; - name: KONG_LOG_LEVEL value: debug - name: KONG_PLUGINS value: rbac,jwt-keycloak,oidc,acl,aws-lambda,azure-functions,basic-auth,bot-detection,correlation-id,cors,datadog,file-log,hmac-auth,http-log,ip-restriction,jwt,key-auth,ldap-auth,loggly,oauth2,post-function,pre-function,prometheus,rate-limiting,request-size-limiting,request-termination,request-transformer,statsd,syslog,tcp-log,udp-log,zipkin


kong 的多个插件是按照优先级依次执行的,要注意这点,方便按照预期的方式调试/验证代码.

local RBACHandler = BasePlugin:extend() local priority_env_var = "KONG_RBAC_PRIORITY" local priority if os.getenv(priority_env_var) then priority = tonumber(os.getenv(priority_env_var)) else -- priority = 1500 priority = 999 end kong.log.debug('KONG_RBAC_PRIORITY: ' .. priority)



pdk 是 kong 提供的插件开发包,方便我们在不同插件之间共享数据,以及操作 db,使用方式比较简单,参考文档即可,但要注意文档的版本。